
Half Block Engineering Class

The Physics Department offers a course in half-block every year that provides an introduction to the field of engineering. The course is taught by an engineer working in that field.  By taking this course multiple times, students acquire familiarity with a variety of engineering fields.  Many students also use the connections they make in the course to find internships and jobs. 


See what some recent engineering half block alums are up to:

Engineering Half Block Prepares Students to Enter Workforce

Liberal Arts Education Prepared Alum to Thrive in Space Industry Following Graduation


Check out an interview with Erik Daehler '98:

Alum in Space: Erik Daehler



Students tour the Robson Arena in June 2021 during the half block engineering course on Sustainable Building Design.


Topics list of all half-block courses offered.

Career in Engineering 

There are multiple paths from CC to an engineering career, including:

  • Our 3-2 Program
  • Our 4-2 Program
  • Graduate school in engineering (usually you will major in the affiliated science)
  • Employment in engineering directly from CC (usually you will major in the affiliated science)

CC graduates have followed all of these paths into successful careers. Please visit our CANVAS site and talk to Phillip Cervantes at



Affiliated Engineering Schools

Colorado College has cooperative agreements with the following schools. For more information on a particular program check the websites or contact the school representatives listed below.

Columbia University

Director of Combined Plan Program Admissions
Office of Undergraduate Admissions
Columbia University
212 Hamilton Hall, MC 2807
1130 Amsterdam Ave.
New York, NY 10027
Phone: 212-854-2522

Engineering Program Website
Combined Program Information

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

RPI Undergraduate Admissions
110 8th St.
Troy, New York 12180
Phone: 518-276-6216

Engineering Program Website

University of Southern California

USC Viterbi School of Engineering
Office of Admission
Ronald Tutor Hall, Room 110
3710 S. McClintock Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90089-2900
Phone: 800-526-3347

Engineering Program Website
3/2 Program Website

Report an issue - Last updated: 10/30/2023